植物源性食品中331種農藥及其代謝物殘留量的測定 液相色譜―質譜聯用法
National food safety standard- Determination of 331 pesticides and metabolites residues in foods of plant origin- Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method
National food safety standard- Determination of 331 pesticides and metabolites residues in foods of plant origin- Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method
mplementation Rules for National Food Safety Supervision and Sampling Inspection-Edible agricultural products
mplementation Rules for National Food Safety Supervision and Sampling Inspection-Edible agricultural products
mplementation Rules for National Food Safety Supervision and Sampling Inspection-Fruit Products
mplementation Rules for National Food Safety Supervision and Sampling Inspection-Tea and related products
mplementation Rules for National Food Safety Supervision and Sampling Inspection-condiment